Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mykki Blanco

Now, usually I stray away from most modern rap;  I was never fond of the type of people its associated with (wide brim hats, studded earings, douche) but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy rap, it just has to have a certain respectability to it which is growing harder and harder to come by.  Mykki Blanco is pretty hardcore for my tastes, but to me he reminds me of the Ol' Dirty Bastard of this generation.  I first came across him by seeing him live with Death Grips, and he most certainly fit in with the extremeness and experimental nature of Death Grips.  His beats at points can sound like it has influence of noise and hardcore techno (gabber and such).  His vocals grabbed me right away and automatically garnered respect from his completely unique voice that sounds nothing like the 80% of rappers today who sound like they're still in high school.  In a way his voice is almost like Ol' Dirty Bastard's,  except completely his own.  Oh yea one more thing; he dresses up in drag sometimes just because hes that badass.
Artist: Mykki Blanco
Album: Cosmic Angel: The Illuminati Prince
Title: Riot
Genre: experimental rap/hip-hop/noise-hop


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